Sunday, December 8, 2013

Old-fashioned socks

Zima w końcu zawitała do Vancouver. Wciąż nie jest tak zimno jak podczas zimy w Polsce. Cały czas noszę moją pelerynę i nie czuję potrzeby zmiany na coś cieplejszego. Wieczorami jednak robi się dość chłodno i to jest czas na moje super grube skarpety :) Właśnie nauczyłam się jak je zrobić na szydełku, na zdjęciach widzicie pierwsze powstałe pary. Zrobiłam też jedną parę dla Stacha i od tamtej pory nosi je codziennie :)
Winter finally came to Vancouver. Still, it’s not as bad as it is during winter in Poland. I wear my cape coat and don’t feel like I need something warmer. However during the night it’s getting quite cold, so this is the time when my extra-thick socks come in :) I just taught myself how to crochet them, so this is my first batch ever. I made a pair for Stanley too. Since then he wears it everyday :)


  1. Poproszę też jedną parę dla mnie, żeby była na czas odwiedzin! :D

  2. Replies
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  4. Winter at last came to Vancouver. In any case, it's not however awful as it very well might be during winter in Poland. I wear my cape coat and don't feel like I want something hotter. Anyway during the night it's getting very cold, so this is the point at which my extra-thick socks come in :) I just showed myself how to stitch them, so this is my very first clump. I made a couple for Stanley as well.

  5. Winter finally came to Vancouver. In light of everything, it's not despite how awful as it may be during winter in Poland. I wear my cape coat and don't feel like I truly need something more blazing. In any case during the night it's getting freezing, so this is the place where my extra-thick socks come in :) I just told myself the best way to sew them, so this is my absolute first group. new york city federal criminal defense lawyer
